Being a business owner and a traveller is, sometimes, not an easy thing! It could be easy to get distracted by your travels or not having the proper tools to perform all the tasks you need. Especially when you’re working from a coffee shop, library or even an airport. Of course, we think that getting some help during that time to make sure your business is under control is your best idea; but if getting a VA is not an option this time; these apps will help you to do your job a bit easier:


Currency converter:

Travelling overseas can be a bit tricky sometimes. Currencies are not an easy thing to handle when you get to a new country… until you get this app!

This fantastic app will do the entire job; it will show you the exchange rate of up to 15 currencies at the same time on your screen and if you want to do some math you can use the built-in calculator.

The best part: It’s free and you don’t need an Internet connection to use it! How great is that?


Google Keep:

This one is an easy and powerful to do list and notes app. Why? It allows you to link your Gmail account to get email notifications and reminders and you can have shared lists with friends or your team/staff. You can also have audio notes and pictures as reminders! Of course this is a free app as well.



Do you need to send some documents to a supplier or sign an invoice and send it back? No worries, this app helps you do a professional job on the road.

You may wonder, why using Camscanner instead of just taking a picture? Easy, you are not only able to crop your picture in a fantastic way with the document in a great quality to read and print, but also they have a very useful search feature. For example, by entering “I like eating cake” in the search box, all pictures containing the text “I like eating cake” will be listed. You don’t have to dig out the entire contract you scanned or that Italian restaurant menu for Fridays nights.

Other cool features:

– It allows you to convert your pictures into PDF

– Magic colour: for coloured documents, rich and sharp colour ensured.

– B & W: removes shadows, the best for printing and faxes.

– Grayscale: preview document as printed.

– Lighten: add some fill-in lights for pictures taken in insufficient light.



This is also a tricky one. Missing meetings just because we got confused with the time zones isn’t funny. This app will help you with this issue, just by selecting the cities you need.

The free version allows you to see 4 cities at the same time in your dashboard. This is one of the great apps for business!



Are you good with money while you travel? This app can help you and your business to control your expenses. This app has calendars, charts and several tools to make it easy. You can upload all the invoices you get, sort them by day, month or even locations. Also, they have a Travel mode to assign expenses to a specific trip and have your bills more organized than ever. And of course, you can sort your bills in different categories such as clothing, education, food and drink, rent, shopping and much more. All these features are in the free version, can you imagine all it can do on the PRO one?

A great app to keep you organized not only when you travel but also in your everyday life!


Google Translator – Speak & Translate:

These great apps for business are useful, but… Are you travelling to an exotic country and have no idea how to ask for a print service or a toilet? No worries, you can ask for your favourite dessert, attraction or that souvenir you wanted so bad from now on. You can use it on your computer here.

Also, if you have iPhone you can try Speak & Translate, where you don’t even have to write! Just talk and wait for your lovely assistant to talk in the language you want. You choose what language to speak in and what language it translates to. With a press of a button the languages flip so the person you talk to get translated.

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